Friday, June 15, 2007

Is everyone aware?

When discussing problems at a large scale, sometimes we may forget the influence of people. I remember an Ecology prof. once said that the most important thing that could be cone to solve population problems is to be less homocentric and become more ecocentric. In another words we should stop thinking that the environment belongs to us, but we are all part of a community. Finally, most importantly we have to believe and show in our actions that this planet is not just for our generation but for all future generations.
All these sort of things are usually easier said that done. I have to admit that, myself, can not stop driving from one place to another, because access to transit where i live is very low, and my legs are just not strong enough to bike up hills. It is very sad that I know I add to air pollution, so I try to carpool more often. So, the question is whether people are aware of how harmful their actions can be to our urban environment?

One definitely smart and environmentally friendly action is to use compost instead of garburator. Ground up food can clog pipes and add more load to the waste water treatment plants. Composting lowers greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the number of trips trucks must make to the landfill, also the amount of methane released by the landfills. According to the GVRD website, Lower Mainland residents have purchased more than 120,000 compost bins from their municipalities in the last 10 years.
For those of you who don't know, in addition to Backyard composting, there is Worm composting.
Worm composting is a way for apartment-dwellers and office workers to recycle kitchen scraps into a rich soil conditioner. Worm composting can be done year round, inside or out. So, if you have a balcony in your apartment, or even if you don't, I have heard that the worms DO NOT GET OUT!
If you find this interesting, or you are very inspired by Worm composting you can check out GVRD website for more information....

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