- What is Waste?*
- What is Solid Waste?
- How is waste disposal damaging to the environment?
- What is a solid waste Incinerator?
Through a very complicated system, incinerators recover energy from the incineration of waste. This is known as resource recovery. The energy recovered can be used to make steam for heating, electrical generation, or industrial processes.
- Why is solid waste Incinerator controversial?
Another concern, two types of ash that are generated. Bottom ash consists of unburned or partially burned material, that can be disposed in sanitary landfill sites. Also, fly ash, light particles that rise off the burning waste and are trapped by air pollution systems. Fly ash is considered a hazardous waste requiring special treatment and disposal.
Finally, some people are concerned that incinerators may discourage some waste reduction and recycling efforts, since recyclable materials like plastics and paper have high energy contents and can be valuable fuels for incinerators.
* A Primer on Waste Management-The Environmental Citizenship Series, Environment Canada, 1996
** Leachate: Liquid that has peroclated through solid material and removed soluble components. In land disposal sites, leachate is formed when moisture peroclates through layers of waste, dissolving and carrying along various chemicals.
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