A couple of months ago, I heard in the news that the city of San Francisco banned the traditional plastic grocery bags. This petroleum made non-recyclable and non-biodegradable plastic bags, can escape the waste stream, creating litter and endangering wildlife. Following this decision, small northeastern Manitoba town, Leaf Rapids, bans plastic bags.
Also, don't forget that as I mentioned before, San Francisco is the "Zero Waste role model" for GVRD. It makes me wonder if for GVRD banning plastic bags would be in the list of things t0 do.
It also makes me wonder how it would turn out, if GVRD or one of the municipalities propose such idea? I am curious to know if all municipalities would even consider this plan, since some of them don't even have a recycling program?!
Would banning plastic bags increase and improve sustainability in our city? Is it possible to have urbanization and sustainability happening at the same time? Is it possible to be the "the best city to live in", and have no waste management problems? Is it possible to be a growing city and have no worries about the waste? Is it possible to be hosting the Olympics but have no concerns about where the construction and solid waste is gonna go?
By the way, Where IS the waste going?